Category: Uncategorized

  • Logic and fallacies Part 3

    Part 3: Pain and its’ Subjectivity The final realization I had today that changed the course of How I will move forward… well it actually came from the past. I was so frustrated at myself and someone I really care about. I emphasized the importance of enjoying the next 24 hours because it’s the last…

  • Logic and Fallacies Part 2

    Part 2: Invalidation There are tons of ”professional definitions” and styles or terminology for human behavior. Whether it’s in urban dictionary, viral on social media, officially listed in Webster’s Dictionary, or in a Psychology text book… we define things to help us to categorize, label, predict behavior, motives, moods, possible outcomes. We title things to…

  • Logic and Fallacies Part 1

    I genuinely missed having all types of discussions. Recently I’ve made excuses for the ghostly form of what once seemed solid as concrete. I’ve blamed myself, as usual, and the stress distracting me. Until I realized I needed to have that time together. Talk, not just eat, shower, sleep, repeat every night at 5pm. I…

  • Lotus Flower

     The Sacred Lotus is a teaching of empowerment and how the inner determination of a person can transform everything and at this moment create infinite potential and honor. पद्म Lotus Flower padma lotus [Nelumbo nucifera – Bot.] नलिनी Sacred Lotus nalini sacred lotus [Nelumbo nucifera – Bot.] Buddhists, for example, believe that they need to…

  • Intrinsic Gratification

    Sanskrit Translations अन्तर्ज्ञानम् (Intuition) स्ट्रेंगक्थ (Strength) डेरिंग (Daring) कर्म  (Karma) The last one on the list is tattooed on my wrist. Karma translates to “human action” in Sanskrit. The belief there is inherently more to action than a simple act. I have recently realized that it was really me who held myself back from true…

  • Whirlwind

    In the past I used to pride myself on being able to weather a storm. Sometimes in our lives a lot of things happen seemingly simultaneously. Chaos brews and priorities can be difficult to clearly define. As soon as your mind is set to work on one goal, something else more urgent pops up and…

  • Turning Tides

    Turning Tides

    There are times in our lives we reach a fork in the road. Some decisions to be made are large, others smaller. Like the Robert Frost poem, two roads diverging in the woods…. Sometimes it takes a little while to digest how big the fork in these paths might be. By that I mean, the…

  • Trimming to Fit

    “The pessimist complains about the winds. The optimist expects it to change direction.The realist adjusts the sails.” I love sailing. I haven’t been able to nearly as much as I did in my 20s. I even moved to one of the sailing capitals of the nation, only to have 2 seasons cancelled because of the…

  • Veritas Intrepidus

    Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat Fearless Truth; Fortune Favors the Bold A Reflective Post/Expansion of entry 04.27.2022 There were a series of books I read in my youth that introduced me to a fictitious character that was “born without the fear gene”. She was fearless. Best part was, she described some natural human instincts and reactions…

  • Worth the Wait

    I genuinely never understood the saying “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Until now. It is the most soul crushing thing to allow yourself to break down years of fortified walls to become close with someone who you eventually lose. You could lose them to illness…