Category: Reflections

  • A Change of Pace

    I decided to change up the look of the site a bit.  I do not like to leave things too static.  There was a new theme available, and it caught my eye like a lady in a red dress in a sea of white.  It might not be better, but it is different.  You don’t…

  • Just a Dream

    So my desire to update this site at least once every two days has turned out to be just a dream.  It isn’t that I cannot physically sit down and log into the site and post an update.  The reality is that the pre-Christmas week is just a little too crazy.  If I’m being honest,…

  • The Christmas Tree is Up

    The Saturday after Thanksgiving is our family’s traditional “Go Get the Tree” day.  We love having a real tree.  Believe it or not, but driving 30 minutes with the family to a tree farm, walking around, picking out our tree, and getting it up in the tree stand is a lot less work than dealing with a…

  • Thanksgiving

    Every year at Thanksgiving, everyone asks the question “What are you thankful for?”.  I could sit here and list everything I’m thankful for, but that would ruin my point.  Why are holidays the only time when we reflect on anything?  I’m sure that if we all thought of how lucky we were to have the…

  • Living is Hard Work

    Living is hard work… unless you inherited a fortune.  For the majority of us not filthy rich by the way of someone else’s work, just living is hard.  As far as I know, most of us have jobs.  When we get home, we might have kids, pets, siblings, and/or parents to take care of.  There…

  • No One Likes a Whiner…

    There are generally two types of people (at least for this topic).  People who whine, and people who don’t.  Everyone has problems.  Some have bigger problems than others.  What astonishes me is that some people will curl up in the fetal position and build a house of despair around them while other will hunker down…