Category: Reflections

  • Winter Jobs

    With winter being basically gone, I realize I didn’t get everything I wanted to accomplish in that time period done.  I do not like spiders, and I do not like ticks.  Snakes make my skin crawl more than both, but I have had less run-ins with them.  I wanted to get some things done around…

  • When You’re Wrong, You’re Wrong

    Why are people so afraid of being wrong?  Granted, sometimes being wrong means people die.  Most people, however, are not faced with those types of wrong.  Everyone is wrong at some point.  There are no exceptions.  Accept it, deal with it, and move on.  I have been wrong many times.  The opposite is also true. …

  • SKITBM Winter!

    Ah, Winter.  You were a cold one this year.  You dumped snow after snow while getting down to lows that make northern Canadians feel at home.  But Spring is in her convertible rolling down the highway towards me.  By this time of year, I’m tired of the brown ground and grey skies.  This year, you…

  • Take Care Of It

    Taking care of things seems to be a lost art with our throw-away society.  When it is cheaper to buy a new printer instead of ink, there’s a problem.  When it is cheaper to buy a new lawn mower than fixing it, there seems to be something wrong.  When buying a pressure washer set you…

  • Burnin’ Coal

    This winter has been very long and brutally cold.  Just a week after getting near 60(F), we’ll be getting 6 inches of snow or so and the temps are back near 0(F) at night.  I have burnt through two massive truckloads of wood, and I have been cutting down trees left and right.  Sure, heating…

  • It Was Nice…

    The warm weather was nice while it lasted.  A few days in the 50(F)s is a welcome change over the freezing 20s we’ve been dealing with for the last couple of months.  This is one of the coldest winters I can remember.  With it going back below freezing this week, I could complain, but I…

  • No Powerball For Me

    Damn!  I didn’t win the Powerball.  I didn’t expect to win it.  I just buy tickets when the jackpot is over $200 million and/or I’m at the liquor store buying Fireball Whiskey.  That stuff is dangerous good.  Oh well.  I’ll just continue on with “Plan A”.  Plan B (winning the Powerball) would have been more…

  • It’s Just Business

    Why do people take things so personally?  As long as people do not attack me personally, I do not get upset.  I only find offense to people’s opinions when they are not based on fact.  If someone does not like my books, that is fine.  I do not take it personally.  I don’t like half…

  • One Of These Days…

    One of these days, people are going to be in for a rude awakening.  We are long overdue for a major catastrophe.  When something huge happens, it won’t matter how much money you have or what the laws that govern a nation are.  The people with the food, guns, and knowledge will be the ones…

  • WTF?

    There are many things that can prompt us to go “WTF?”.  I bought a pair of side steps for the wife’s car.  Made for the vehicle with no drilling, or so the description on the product stated.  Those direction sucked.  Not only was there a step in the instructions to drill into the car, but…