The holiday season is officially upon us in The States. No, the holiday season does not start November 1, like all of the stores want you to think. It starts on Thanksgiving. The day after is when people can start putting up the tree and listening to Christmas music. I am a traditionalist in that department.
This time of year is supposed to be a happy time with friends and family; however, the holidays can be a tough time for people. If you lost a close loved one anytime this year, this is the first Thanksgiving and Christmas without that person. I do not want to imagine what that feels like. I know I will have to deal with it at some point, but like those people, I do not want to deal with it. Some people hate their families for a variety of reasons: abuse, neglect, felons, abandonment, etc. Some people are not liked by the spouses/significant other’s family. It is hard to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner when you feel like you are being judged by everyone at the table.
Regardless of your situation, I hope everyone has a good day. For some, this will be the first Thanksgiving with their new love, and the day could not be any better. There are some who cannot wait for this day to be over with because this is their first year without their love. Whether you just aim to just survive today or vastly enjoy it, have a safe day. Enjoy what you can. Tomorrow will be here soon.