Doing Too Much… ???

Sometimes, I wonder if I am doing too much.  Although the second book is written, editing needs done, the cover needs designed, Copyrights officially submitted, and about a half dozen other things before I call it done.  I also have a full time job that is a little more than full time.  I am raising a family and increasing capabilities of the farm.  On top of all this, I decided to finish my bachelor’s degree.  I never got past the associate’s degree since I had a good paying job, and back then, you could easily get by with that 2  year degree and equivalent experience.  Now days, they want you to have a PHD in order to apply for an admin assistant job.  I’m surprised people don’t need a master’s degree to apply for that summer internship.

Maybe I am doing too much.  I guess I’ll figure it out when I start drinking every day.  Ah shit…  Guess I am doing too much.

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