Putting on the Veil

If there is one thing I can’t stand is people who refuse to take off the veil of deception and open their eyes. Sure, it can be more comfortable to keep the veil on, to continue to be ignorant, at least in the short term. We have been trained for generations to be unable to cope with the truth. The truth is difficult. The truth hurts. Most people don’t want to go through the pain of learning the truth when the comfort of the lie feels so much better.

The biggest problem with this philosophy is that the truth eventually comes out, and we all have to face that pain eventually. We can go through relationships not wanting to see that our partner is cheating on us. Eventually, the truth cannot be ignored. How did we get that STD? We’ve been faithful! Oh wait, it can’t be! My partner cheated on me and gave it to me. She’s leaving me for a 22-year-old gym rat? That’s why she’s always at the gym?

We can go through life thinking our governments have our best interest at hearts, that they aren’t out for themselves or would ever do anything that would eventually lead to the collapse of our civilization. The government is telling us the economy is great. They are telling us the job market is good, that the housing crisis is a supply problem, that we are stronger than ever. Hold on a sec… inflation is through the roof, the housing shortage is caused by illegals having their rent paid for by the government or other organizations, and we rely on every other government for everything? I can’t afford food, housing, and everything else? I used to be able to. What’s going on here?

The truth has been staring at us in the face, even slapping us from time to time, but we’ve been little beta bitches just taking it. The holders of the truth gaslight us and say everything is fine. They point to pieces of data that confirm there story, but they leave out the overwhelming data that says they’re lying. Worse yet, they make shit up and pass it as truth. No one wants to hear bad news. No one wants to have to put up with the fallout of learning shit is bad. It’s like we’re being served a dinner of stale cereal and putrid milk. We say it smells horrible, and we don’t want to eat it. They tell us it’s fine. It’s a different kind of milk, better for the environment. If we eat the cereal, it’ll taste horrible, and we’ll puke and/or shit our pants. Yet, we’re still eating it. We get sick from it, and they tell us our bodies have to get used to it. Are they eating the same food? Nope! They’re eating prime steak that they won’t let us eat because cows are killing the planet and factory farming.

You can take anything in life, and you will see the bullshit if you open your eyes. Sure, they’ll call you a conspiracy theorist. They’ll tell you to not believe your lying eyes. They’ll say they never said something, even when you have it on video. They’ll say it’s misinformation, AI generated, or some other bullshit story, and these dumb motherfuckers are believing it! If you don’t believe them, your racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, or blame you for being uninformed. It’s always someone else’s fault.

The Roman Empire fell. The sun finally set on the British Empire. All good things come to an end. Change is inevitable. The truth is out there. There are things that we might never know what really happened or who was really behind something. A good number of people and see the inconstancies in the stories. Whether they choose to ignore them, rationalize them, or take another’s word for it remains to be seen. If we face the truth now, there’s a chance things can be saved, a chance the pain can be minimalized. If we would have confronted our partner and ended things earlier, we might not have gotten that STD. If we pushed our governments more for the truth, civilization might not have ended. When the infrastructure collapses and we’re forced to kill our neighbors for food, it’s too late to question those in charge of the government. There’s no escaping the painful truth of anarchy or slavery.

There will be some that keep the veil on, even when their head is on the chopping block. Large companies and world governments are rarely run by good people. To get where they are, those people had to lie, cheat, and steal to get where they are, not caring who they hurt. They are narcissists, sociopaths, or have some other issue that they require attention and power. Good people rarely have the stomach to do what is needed to get that high up on the food chain. We are coming dangerously close to the point of no return. As soon as we remove our veils, there’s someone right there holding another one, tempting us to put it on. They give us shiny objects to chase to distract us from what they’re really doing. The world is a brutal, cut-throat survival game where there are no second chances. Oh wait, they’re telling us everything is fine. Everyone is peaceful and kind. The government knows what’s best for us and will take care of us. We just have to trust them. I guess I was wrong. That STD prescription was to treat something else. Oh, okay.

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