Month: December 2014

  • Standard for a Reason

    Our kitchen faucet was broken and crap, so we bought a new one.  I go to install it last night, and it did not go as well as I expected.  Switching a faucet is easy.  A complete dumbass should be able to do it.  It is never a good thing when you have to bust…

  • What Did I Just Do?

    I have complained how Time is a cold-hearted, high-maintenance bitch who is never pleased, and all she does is cost me my life.  I cannot leave her either.  I am stuck in this one-sided relationship.  I have way too much to do, and not enough time to do it.  It is counter-intuitive that I would…

  • Starting Soon

    Writing on the third book will be starting very soon.  I am finally getting caught up on a lot of the big projects.  There are still a few things to get done, but Winter is sinking her teeth in, and I do not like it.  The dark and cold days will give me a chance to…

  • Why Does Drama Follow?

    I never thought much about this, but I, apparently, have a good bit more drama than most – according to those I talk to.  I always seem to have some crazy stories.  The bad part is… I do not like drama.  I can deal with a little hear or there, but that seems to be…

  • Being Thankful

    It is difficult to be thankful.  With so much negativity around, and the wants and desires of being human, it is not easy to stop and be thankful for what we have, no matter how little (or much) that might be.  I have no reason why I should not be thankful, but all I can…

  • Has It Really?

    Has it really been three days since my last post?  Holidays have a fun way of making the passage of time go painfully slow during awkward and difficult family gatherings but fly by through a supposedly-long weekend.  It does not feel like I had four days off.  It feels like I got my ass kicked…