Month: January 2015

  • You Get What You Pay For

    I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for, but there are limits.  You can buy a new car for $15,000.  It will not be fast, luxurious, or even pleasurable to drive, but it is a car.  You can get a very nice car for $30,000.  You can also spend $2,000,000 on…

  • Opportunities

    There are times when an opportunity will present itself.  Some of those opportunities are good; some are bad.  How do we distinguish between the two?  We cannot always do so.  Job opportunities, for example, can be shrouded in mystery, intrigue, and fear.  Sure, a job here might pay more, but am I going to be…

  • Through Chapter 7

    The third book is coming along.  I wish I could sit and type it all out without stopping, but my fingers and mind hurt after a while.  I did get through chapter seven.  My classes are starting up again, so my time will be limited.  I hope to be able to balance everything and get…

  • Resolutions

    The beginning of the new year always ushers in new (and sometimes old) resolutions.  Some resolutions are practical while others are pipe dreams.  Sure, I would like to make a million dollars in 2015 and look like Jason Statham when I take my shirt off, but those are not realistic goals or resolutions for me. …

  • A New Year

    A new year brings new resolutions (or old ones for those of us who did not keep them) and new opportunities.  We are what we make ourselves.  There will always be challenges in our way, but we can generally overcome them.  Giving up is an option but a poor one.  Anything other than triumph is…