Modern Features
I do not know whether to hate or love modern features. Sure, the Internet is turning people into soulless zombies that just stair at screens all day. Some people waste their lives playing online games or searching for someone. Some people are smarter than I am and make millions of dollars from the Internet and…
We all make mistakes. It might be hard to believe, but I am not perfect. I know. Let me give you a moment to get over that shock. Editing The Amanai Deception is progressing, and it is showing me just how many mistakes I can make. Most of them are stupid typos that autocorrect changed…
Starting Soon
Writing on the third book will be starting very soon. I am finally getting caught up on a lot of the big projects. There are still a few things to get done, but Winter is sinking her teeth in, and I do not like it. The dark and cold days will give me a chance to…
Ah! More Editing!
I do not like editing these books. I finally got done with the last bit on my end. There is one last grammar and edit check. Unfortunately, I do not know when that will be completed. I would rather have a perfect product a little later than expected than a rushed one out the door…
More Editing and New Book
I should have the second-to-last editing done this week. After that, it is one last grammatical edit, and I’m ready to publish. I hate it when people use poor grammar, but typing 100 words per minute with spell checker auto correcting things can lead to some interesting grammar mistakes. When typing fast, I tend to…
Slow Going at Lightning Speed
I knew this week would bring a virtual halt to “The Amanai Deception” being published. With school, kids, the day job, football practice, and many other factors, I have not had any time to do anything I really wanted to do. The real kicker is how fast this week has passed. It seems like it…
Back to Basics
I hate hearing that term. It seems over used, but perhaps, because no one listens to it. Our lives are very complex. Some tiny-ass country half way around the world can have an effect on how munch money is in my retirement! With our lives all intertwined to a degree that few of us can…
Editing Continues…
Editing continues on “The Amanai Deception”. I will not get that part done by my original date, but that is not always a bad thing. It does take time to go through 279 pages multiple times. Also, this round of editing needs to be complete before going to the grammar police. I, personally, hate poor grammar,…
The Amanai Resistance: Second Edition
After “The Amanai Deception” is finished and published, I am going to republish “The Amanai Resistance”. The second edition is not going to be anything too major. I’ll correct some minor grammar mistakes that completely bug me, add some information about this second book towards the end, and redesign the cover a bit to make…
Can’t Believe It…
I guess it doesn’t matter how many times something is read, the mind fixes mistakes on the run, and it is amazing how many stupid mistakes are left. I wish I could be perfect every time, but I’m never perfect once. I hope it will all be fixed before the final publishing, but knowing there…