Calmly Fuming…
I’ve stated before that there are selfish people and selfless people. It’s pretty easy to spot the differences when you’re looking. I’ll give an example most people will understand before getting into the details. Sex is supposed to be fun, correct? We’re talking about consensual shit here. Nothing in life is 100% except death. I’d…
Holding My Intestines In…
The more days that pass after finding my hernia, the more annoying it becomes. I’m trying to be smart. I do not want to push myself and cause an emergency or a greater issue. I’m not fucking with my life. I’ll cut splinters out with a knife. I’ll climb up on ladders higher than I…
A Fucking Hernia, Really?
Two nights ago, I was standing there pissing. I was a little drunk. I went to push the piss out and noticed a bulge protrude from my groin. What the fuck was that? I did it again, and there it was again! I thought it was either an alien trying to burst through my groin…
Am I the Only One That Cares?
I swear that I’m the only one that gives a shit sometimes. The amount of fucking laziness that people display is infuriating! It makes it even more so when I bust my ass to get shit done. Think this is an exaggeration? Let’s see… I own and operate a business and have a side business.…
Trilogy Done
It has been a few weeks since the last post. I have not been lazy. Between school, work, the son’s football, and getting the books finished up, it has been rather crazy. Regardless, The Amanai Resistance: Second Edition and The Amanai Resolution have been completed and are available on Amazon. This means the trilogy is…
The Amanai Deception is Now Available!
The Amanai Deception is now available! It is available on Amazon.com and directly from me! The Kindle version should be available within the next day or so. There is no time to rest. I need to finish The Amanai Resolution.
Final Editing Done
The final editing on The Amanai Deception is finally done! I am not using any type of emphasis on the word finally as it was a long road. The editors did an amazing job and caught way more mistakes than I would like to admit making. Editing was done weeks ago, but it took me…
It Has Been a While
It’s been a while since I have posted anything. There is no rest for the weary or the wicked. While it might be up to debate whether I am wicked or not, I am definitely weary. Working full time and going college full time are one thing, but add finishing the basement with all of…
My head stop hurting after another day. Monday was a bit of a blur, and I was groggy most of it. It makes it really difficult to write a research paper when I can barely think well enough to keep a 7,000 pound truck on the road. I am hoping I didn’t make myself too…
All Three In One
It was a busy weekend for me as far as the books are concerned. Some changes were made to The Amanai Resistance for the second edition. There were some inconsistencies in how I wrote certain things. I cannot believe no one caught them. Oh well, they are fixed now. The Amanai Deception is a third…