Author: TheEventBooks

  • Why We Do Things…

    I’ve been questioning why people do the things they do.  It has always amazed me how dumb people can be.  Recently, I’ve taken a more self reflective view and questioning why I do some of the things that I do… or don’t do.  There are many reasons for many actions or inaction.  Not going into…

  • Can’t Believe It…

    I guess it doesn’t matter how many times something is read, the mind fixes mistakes on the run, and it is amazing how many stupid mistakes are left.  I wish I could be perfect every time, but I’m never perfect once.  I hope it will all be fixed before the final publishing, but knowing there…

  • Second Round Done

    The second round of editing is done.  Time to start the third.  I will be relieved when the editing is done and this thing is finished.  The unfortunate piece is that I will have to start this process all over again with the third book.  At least the beginning part of finalizing the story is…

  • Hope and Time

    I hope for a lot of things before time unapologetically stabs me in the kidneys and laughs at me as those hopes dwindle.  That is very melodramatic, and in most cases, those hopes are not based in reality.  I really hoped someone would just give me a billion or so dollars before I turned 21. …

  • The Book Cover is Finished

    The front book cover is finalized.  I went a little different route this time around, and I am thrilled with the way it turned out.  The credit, however, does not go to me.  I’m about as artistic as a rock in a cow pasture, so I think putting a line on paper with a blue…

  • More Progress

    The Event: The Amanai Deception is inching closer to publishing.  While second rounds of editing have just begun, other parts are moving along much faster.  The book cover is coming along nicely.  The photo shoot was yesterday morning, and out of all the photos taken (I know you photography people hate it when we laypersons call…

  • Molds

    Yesterday, I discussed how people try to put others in molds based on experience and first impressions.  Everyone is guilty of that, including myself.  I do not like it though.  I have always been one who likes to shatter molds.  I do not like being held to what a stereotype says I should be.  Stereotypes…

  • All Judgy

    I was accused of being “all judgy” yesterday.  Without going into the details, I can understand why; however, there is a saying about only have one chance to make first impressions.  When you find out something that just breaks that first impression so violently, it is difficult not to be shocked.  In my case, it wasn’t a…

  • One and Done

    The phrase at a hotel bar that I have heard many times, “one and done” rarely is told in truth.  Often times, it ends up being three and done.  Editing this book is pretty much the same except I enjoy the hotel bar version much more than the book version.  The first round of editing is done,…

  • A Bright Side

    The last few days have been hell for me: a slow, psychological, self-induced torture.  I can’t help but worry or think when I know it should be left alone.   Sure, they make pills for that, but I hate taking pills.  Pills might fix the worrying, but they will hose up something else.  Worrying keeps me…