Hope and Time
I hope for a lot of things before time unapologetically stabs me in the kidneys and laughs at me as those hopes dwindle. That is very melodramatic, and in most cases, those hopes are not based in reality. I really hoped someone would just give me a billion or so dollars before I turned 21. …
100th Post and Editing
I just realized, as I was going to start this post, this is my 100th post. Should I be thrilled or depressed? Frankly, I doubt anyone gives a shit. It isn’t like this is my 100th episode of a TV drama that I star in. Not to be negative, I have stuck with this for 100…
90% is Easy… Last 10% is Hard
I do not know why finishing tasks is so difficult. It’s like the first 90% is super easy and just flows together, but that last 10% kicks me in the ass. “The Amanai Deception” is written. First round of editing is done. I just have to fix the pieces, reread, and fix the last remaining items. …
Just Fleas on a Dog?
Life eats life. The smallest of organisms are feasted upon larger organisms who, in turn, are eaten by even larger organisms. Likewise, the smallest of organisms feast off of the larger organisms. We can eat animals like deer, but the ticks feast on the deer (and sometimes us). We humans are not always the top…
Real Life
Some people asked me why I modeled some of the main characters off of the real life us. There were several reasons; vanity not being one of them. Realism: I wanted the characters to be as real as possible. I wanted the backstory and character development to be as real as possible. Obviously, not everything…
Is Freedom an Illusion?
I just finished watching the latest Captain America movie, and it got me thinking about freedom. I will not ruin it for those who haven’t seen it. Freedom can mean different things to different people. There is financial freedom. There is freedom from being scared. There is freedom from abuse. Do we give up our…
It’s Just Business
Why do people take things so personally? As long as people do not attack me personally, I do not get upset. I only find offense to people’s opinions when they are not based on fact. If someone does not like my books, that is fine. I do not take it personally. I don’t like half…
One Of These Days…
One of these days, people are going to be in for a rude awakening. We are long overdue for a major catastrophe. When something huge happens, it won’t matter how much money you have or what the laws that govern a nation are. The people with the food, guns, and knowledge will be the ones…
Not Compromising IS Compromising
Today, it seems as though everyone refuses to compromise, but not compromising is compromising. It’s like refusing to make a decision is actually making decision. Everyone has their stances and their lines drawn in the sand. It does not matter if you are a high ranking politician or a 3 year old kid. Everyone has…
Can’t Help…
To be blunt, you cannot truly help a person (without debilitating disabilities) who does not want to help themselves in life. There are a variety of proverbs that illustrate the point. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. Give a man to fish, and he eats for a day. Teach…