Category: Insights

  • Selfless vs Selfish

    One thing I have learned recently is that if you are the only one being selfless, everyone else is selfish. What do I mean by that? In order to answer that, we have to understand the difference between selfless and selfish. Selfless people give everything they have without regard to repayment or receiving anything back.…

  • Face the Music

    Music can be a very emotional tool. If you ever listened to vocal-only tracks of famous songs, you’ll quickly realize the person either cannot sing or the song has no substance. The instruments are just as important (if not more) than the vocals. The soundtracks to movies often help trigger fear, sadness, empathy, excitement, and…

  • Resurrection

    The title of my next book was going to be The Event: The Amanai Resurrection. I wrote about a quarter of the book; however, it just seemed to cliché how the story was turning out. I haven’t been able to get past that feeling, and I have not written any more of it. I do…