When Help Isn’t Help
We have all been arrogant enough to think we are helping in a situation that we were unequipped to handle. “All you have to do…” is often a phrase that is used when we think we’re helping people, but we really aren’t. In our minds, and from an outside perspective, we think the solution is…
A Light at the End of Incompetence
What in the actual fuck? Today has been a cluster fuck of a circle jerk! She was told she couldn’t call me because I’m the ”victim.” In order for her to do so, I’d have to fill out a form. I went to five different government buildings, talking to seven different people only to find…
Today Was Exhausting
I cannot describe how exhausting today was. The arraignment hearing was today; another one is Thursday. I broke down more times than I can count. I finally got electricity restored to the house, just in time for a cold front and freezing temps. A load of laundry was done. I cleaned some floors and made…
A Letter to My Love
Dear Love, The first thing I must say is, I love you. The second thing I must say is, I forgive you. Please forgive me. I cannot understand what exactly happened that night. I can recall the events that happened that night, and I know the immediate outcome was of that night, but it was…
“Without You, Everything Falls Apart”
Up until last week, she had never heard that song. She was/is a fan a Nine Inch Nails, but somehow, she missed the song, “The Perfect Drug.” This morning, I’ve been awake for about 45 minutes, and I’m all fucked up. I had a dream just before waking up that everything was fine: nothing happened.…
Another Day…
We go through life hearing the phrase, “another day, another dollar.” That is fine during the monotony of life, when everything just blends together. When you’ve had a catastrophic even happen, however, another day is a big deal. Then again, it could be, “another day, another pain.” Today was still rough. It is still rough.…
Can’t Seem to Win
It doesn’t matter what I do, say, or think, I just can’t seem to win. I get a bonus from a job. A day later, a letter saying I fucked up on my taxes and owe more. I try to save time by explaining something and get accused of being insensitive. I try to educate…
… on Life Sucking, but…
Having a father as a social worker is a blessing and a curse. I do not recall how often, but after school, he’d ask how my day was. There were good days and bad days. The fucking snowflakes of today are pussies compared to growing up in the 80s/90s. There’d be times where I’d come…
… on Finding Love, Peace, and Happiness
When finding love, you can’t look for it; you cannot seek it like it’s a job. Sure, you can post a ”love” post like it’s a job post. Shit, I’ve done that before. I’ve answered those ads before. Whether it was Zoosk, Match, Farmer’s Only, or even Tinder, it’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s like…
When You Love Someone…
People will debate what constitutes as love until the end of humanity. In the end, it is an individual perception of what you think love is versus what someone else does. If two people don’t agree on the definition of love, the relationship is doomed to fail. I might have some expertise in this area…